

Welcome to the QPARSE website

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Quebec Provincial Association of Retired School Educators

get in touch












Click here to visit McGill's website

Join the Volunteer team at CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-île-de-Montréal
Click here for more information


Travel with SENIOR DISCOVERY TOURS, THE LEADER IN TOURS for the 50+ TRAVELLER and make money for QPARSE!

Anyone traveling with Senior Discovery Tours is to contact the President, Renate Sutherland at renate.sutherland@bell.net so that QPARSE can obtain the 4% rebate.

To date, twenty-two trips have already been registered with QPARSE.

Please click here for more information.

Click here to visit their website.


Please send us your email address!

QPARSE is looking at making greater use of email in its correspondence with members. This would help us to reduce the mailing and printing costs that eat up a large part of our budget. If you have an email address that you do not think the association is aware of, please send an email message to Jan Langelier.


Our Mission is to promote and enhance the interests and well-being of retired educators through social interaction,
social responsibility, advocacy and cooperation with other organizations on matters of common concern.
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